Meditation Library

Collage of Mimosa flower and Elderflowers

Guided Practices with Mimosa & Elderflower

December 31, 20231 min read

collage of mimosa flowers and elderflowers

Thank you for choosing the Mimosa + Elderflower Essence!

Mimosa and Elderflower are bringing you the vibration of strength and joy.  Here are some options for enhancing your experience with this essence:


Each time you place 5 drops of the essence on your tongue or in your water try saying:

  • It is safe to experience Joy.

  • I can be Strong and Joyful at the same time.

  • I choose Joy.

  • My body supports me in finding flow and ease throughout my day.

Gentle Movement Practices

You can combine these practices with the above affirmations or use them separately.  Remember to try to take your essence 3-5 times per day.

  • Let your spine sway gently as you say your affirmations or as you open up to the vibrations of the essence.

  • Roll your shoulders forward, then up toward your ears, then back and down.

  • Let your head tip forward as far as is comfortable then let it reach toward one shoulder, then tip back gently, then to the other shoulder and back to front.  Take a deep breathe then reverse the direction.

With each of these movements, see where you can release tension and/or stiffness.  How can you create a little more space for joy in your body?

Guided Meditation

Listen to the following meditation daily when you begin working with Mimosa + Elderflower then as needed.


Always trust your body and your lived experience.

If you have any reflections or questions about what comes up for you, please email me.  Remember always, you are supported and loved!

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